RIO Acidic Detergent


R.I.O. is a blend of acids, emulsifiers, wetters and surfactants formulated to remove tenacious metalliferous deposits from painted surfaces, stainless steel and aluminium.


  • R.I.O. quickly removes tenacious metalliferous deposits from stainless steel, aluminium and painted surfaces.
  • R.I.O. is simple and practical to use.
  • R.I.O. has excellent rinsability providing streak free appearance.



R.I.O. is a blend of acids, emulsifiers, wetters and surfactants formulated to remove tenacious metalliferous deposits from painted surfaces, stainless steel and aluminium.


  • R.I.O. quickly removes tenacious metalliferous deposits from stainless steel, aluminium and painted surfaces.
  • R.I.O. is simple and practical to use.
  • R.I.O. has excellent rinsability providing streak free appearance.


Dilution rates up to 1:5 may be used.

Wet surface with water – apply solution with mop or broom working from bottom to top otherwise streaks will develop. Work on small areas at a time. Leave solution in contact for a few minutes before hosing off. DO NOT allow to dry on surface as streaking will result.


Highly corrosive substance. Avoid skin and eye contact. Contact with eyes even for periods can cause blindness. Avoid breathing vapours.


If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. PH 13 11 26. If swallowed do not induce vomiting – give a glass of water and seek medical advice. If skin contact occurs remove contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly. Massage Calcium Gluconate Gel into affected area and seek medical advice. For inhalation remove to fresh air, lie down and rest – seek urgent medical attention. For eyes irrigate with water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical advice.


R.I.O. is available in 5 and 25 litre containers.